Sporadic musings of an editor addicted to orderly working
The Indian Copyeditors Forum’s (ICF’s) second book Copyediting: A Closer Look has a blog of mine as one of its chapters. But my contribution as an author is quite minimal in comparison with my role as the copyeditor of the book.
Although I've been with individual copyeditors through...
A question that some students had asked me off and on came to my mind. It was about using (or omitting) a comma before the conjunction but. We all know that we'll have to look at it on a case-by-case basis. But to explain this I needed to have a bunch of...
Back in the days when I learned copyediting, we worked on hardcopy manuscripts, and the world itself was spinning at a rather much lower pace. We didn’t have any structured training; we were taught some titbits here and there, had some definite do’s and don’ts, some style points...
It was sometime between the late 1980s and early 1990s that the experiment to “outsource”—the term was not common then—editorial work to India began. Typesetting had been there for some years, and it was perhaps felt that copyediting too...
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