Sporadic musings of an editor addicted to orderly working
I had never thought of this as a year-end post. In fact, I'd prepared this as a draft by the end of October. But somehow things happened in such a way that I could fine-tune it as a blog only now—perhaps it was destined to be only a year-end post!
The content in...
Once a manuscript enters production, the content is always looked at in terms of the practical realities of the production process. When considered objectively, both copyediting and typesetting are part of a single production process. When analyzed...
This is a basic exposition of a new method of teaching the English language, evolved over a period of at least 25 years. So there’s a personal story behind this, which I’m presenting first (Part 1), to give you the gist of it. But then, there’s also the technical side...
This is a piece written by Vandana Bhasin of Gurugram, who took up The Art of Copyediting's Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning training and mentoring program in November 2022.
The Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning (FSEE)...
Not many people have a clear sense of purpose in life, which, when present, goads them to learn something every day, every week, every month, every year.
But for most people, learning itself does not happen on its own. It happens only when you consciously take that decision to learn. It...
A copyeditor in India faces almost insurmountable hurdles in learning the profession. I discuss these problems in detail and provide (a) a practical method of learning the basics via The Art of Copyediting group-learning plan (now affordable by everyone) and (b) an engaging,...
This is a piece written by Dr. Mothi Paul of Tirunelveli, who took up The Art of Copyediting's Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning training and mentoring program recently. I'm publishing it here (along with my blogs) as Dr. Paul does not yet have a website of this...
A question that some students had asked me off and on came to my mind. It was about using (or omitting) a comma before the conjunction but. We all know that we'll have to look at it on a case-by-case basis. But to explain this I needed to have a bunch of...
Back in the days when I learned copyediting, we worked on hardcopy manuscripts, and the world itself was spinning at a rather much lower pace. We didn’t have any structured training; we were taught some titbits here and there, had some definite do’s and don’ts, some style points...
It was sometime between the late 1980s and early 1990s that the experiment to “outsource”—the term was not common then—editorial work to India began. Typesetting had been there for some years, and it was perhaps felt that copyediting too...