Sporadic musings of an editor addicted to orderly working
I've been watching the discussions in the ICF WhatsApp group in the last few days. You all know that I keep promoting learning all the time. And I know that when you ask serious questions, it is my responsibility to give you some helpful answers. But the questions now were deep—and very...
This is a piece written by Vandana Bhasin of Gurugram, who took up The Art of Copyediting's Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning training and mentoring program in November 2022.
The Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning (FSEE)...
This is a piece written by Dr. Mothi Paul of Tirunelveli, who took up The Art of Copyediting's Foundational Skills for Employability and Earning training and mentoring program recently. I'm publishing it here (along with my blogs) as Dr. Paul does not yet have a website of this...
Most people who use a Windows desktop or laptop use the File Explorer (earlier called Windows Explorer) for file management simply because that's what comes inbuilt with Windows. Something comes with the PC and people use it for their day-to-day file management activities. Nothing wrong with...
Many of us would have had this experience of having a college education and entering one of these professions that revolve around writing or editing—and then realizing that we're absolutely not ready to handle our work with confidence! This course, Essentials of...
This blog is my response to an article shared by John McIntyre on Facebook and the comments there. My first instinct was to post my reply there, but I felt that my response was long and rather personal. So I decided to put it up as a blog here on my website and provide a link to it in that...